Take the following courses:

EB-100  Introduction to Management

3 CreditsS

EB-105  International Economic Issues

3 CreditsS,I

EB-131  Financial Accounting

3 CreditsS

CM-132 Message Analysis

3 CreditsH, CS 

CM-133 Mass Media and Society

3 CreditsH, CS

EB-202  Behavioral Analysis of Organizations

4 CreditsCW,S,WK-SIPrerequisite: Sophomore standing.

EN-212 Sports Literature

3 CreditsHPrerequisite: EN110 or EN109.

PL-230  Business Ethics

3 CreditsH,SW-ERPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 

EB-236  Managerial Accounting

3 CreditsS,QM,CWPrerequisite: EB131. 

EB-351  Marketing Management

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: EB201. 

EB-377  Sports Management

3 CreditsS,CSPrerequisite: Junior standing. 

Take one of the following courses:

EB-211  Business Statistics

3 Credits QS,S

MA-205 Elementary Statistics

4 CreditsN, QS, WK-SPPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

MA-220 Introduction to Probability & Statistics

4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisite: MA130

Take one of the following courses:

CM-330 Media Analysis

3 CreditsH, CW, CSPrerequisites: CM132 or CM133.

CM-388 Public Communication Campaigns

Prerequisite: CM-130 or CM-132, or CM-133


Take a minimum of 6 credits from the following courses:

PY-322 Sport Psychology

3 CreditsSPre-Req: PY-101

EB-490  Business Internship

2-9 CreditsSCorequisite: EB495. Prerequisites: Permission and Jr. or Sr. standing. 

EB-495  Business Internship Seminar

2-6 CreditsSCorequisite: EB490. Prerequisites: Permission. 

*Additional courses to be announced.


Take the following course:

EB-480  Senior Seminar

3 CreditsS 

The Accounting, Business, and Economics (ABE) Department does not permit students in their department to pursue more than one ABE Program of Emphasis (POE). Students wishing to develop individualized POEs incorporating multiple ABE disciplines should consult with their POE Advisor for guidance.

POE Credit Total = 56

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.