Take one of the following courses:

MA-116 Discrete Structures

4 CreditsN, QPre-requisite high school algebra.

CS-116  Discrete Structures

4 CreditsQ,NPre-requisite: high school algebra. 

Take the following courses:

MA-130 Calculus I

4 CreditsN, QM

MA-160 Linear Algebra

3 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA130.

MA-210 Foundations of Mathematics

3 CreditsCWPrerequisites: MA160 or MA116 or PL208 or MA208 or permission of the instructor.

MA-230 Calculus II

4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisite: MA130

MA-235 Calculus III

4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA230.

CS-110  Computer Science I

3 CreditsN,CTGES,CTGISRecommended programming experience or IT110 or IT100, IT111 or IM110 or MA103 but not necessary. 

MA-480 Mathematics Seminar I

1 CreditNPrerequisites: junior or senior standing, MA160, MA210 and MA235 or permission of the instructor.

Take one of the following courses:

MA-205 Elementary Statistics

4 CreditsN, QS, WK-SPPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

MA-220 Introduction to Probability & Statistics

4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisite: MA130



Take one of the following courses:

MA-350 Topics in Geometry

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA210 or PL208 or MA208.

MA-360 Abstract Algebra

3 Credits Prerequisites: MA160 and MA210.

MA-370 Real Analysis

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA210 and MA230 and MA235.


Take one of the following courses:

MA-303 Mathematical Modeling

3 CreditsN, QM, CWNote: MA160 is recommended. Prerequisite: MA130 and experience with programming and Minitab.

MA-321 Multivariate Statistics

3 CreditsN, QSPrerequisites: MA-130 or MA 160; an introductory statistics course from the following list: BI-305, EB-211, ESS-230, ESS-309, MA-205, MA-220, PY-366, or SW-215

MA-322 Probability

3 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: Take one of the following courses: MA-205, MA-220, EB-211, BI-305, ESS-230, ESS-309, PY-366, or SW-215, and take MA-230.

MA-325 Statistical Consulting

3 CreditsN, QS, CW, SW-LEPrerequisite: Take one course from this list: BI-305, EB-211, ESS-230, ESS-309, MA-205, MA-220, PY-361, PY-366, SW-215. Also take FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

MA-335 Differential Equations

4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA130 and MA230 and MA235 or MA233.

MA-341 Scientific Computing

3 CreditsNPre-Req: CS-110

CS-341 Scientific Computing

3 CreditsNPre-Req: CS-110


Take six credits from the following Mathematics courses:

MA-303 Mathematical Modeling

3 CreditsN, QM, CWNote: MA160 is recommended. Prerequisite: MA130 and experience with programming and Minitab.

MA-321 Multivariate Statistics

3 CreditsN, QSPrerequisites: MA-130 or MA 160; an introductory statistics course from the following list: BI-305, EB-211, ESS-230, ESS-309, MA-205, MA-220, PY-366, or SW-215

MA-322 Probability

3 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: Take one of the following courses: MA-205, MA-220, EB-211, BI-305, ESS-230, ESS-309, PY-366, or SW-215, and take MA-230.

MA-325 Statistical Consulting

3 CreditsN, QS, CW, SW-LEPrerequisite: Take one course from this list: BI-305, EB-211, ESS-230, ESS-309, MA-205, MA-220, PY-361, PY-366, SW-215. Also take FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

MA-335 Differential Equations

4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA130 and MA230 and MA235 or MA233.

MA-341 Scientific Computing

3 CreditsNPre-Req: CS-110

MA-350 Topics in Geometry

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA210 or PL208 or MA208.

MA-355 Nature of Mathematics

1 Credit Corequisite: MA350. Prerequisite: MA210 or PL208 or MA208.

MA-360 Abstract Algebra

3 Credits Prerequisites: MA160 and MA210.

MA-370 Real Analysis

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA210 and MA230 and MA235.

MA-399 Special Topics

1-4 Credits Prerequisites: Vary depending on course offering. Note: abbreviated ST: Students may take each ST: course for credit.

MA-485 Mathematics Research

3-5 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA480.


Take an additional six credits from the Mathematics, Computer Science, Data Science, ABE or Physics departments:

MA-303 Mathematical Modeling

3 CreditsN, QM, CWNote: MA160 is recommended. Prerequisite: MA130 and experience with programming and Minitab.

MA-321 Multivariate Statistics

3 CreditsN, QSPrerequisites: MA-130 or MA 160; an introductory statistics course from the following list: BI-305, EB-211, ESS-230, ESS-309, MA-205, MA-220, PY-366, or SW-215

MA-322 Probability

3 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: Take one of the following courses: MA-205, MA-220, EB-211, BI-305, ESS-230, ESS-309, PY-366, or SW-215, and take MA-230.

MA-325 Statistical Consulting

3 CreditsN, QS, CW, SW-LEPrerequisite: Take one course from this list: BI-305, EB-211, ESS-230, ESS-309, MA-205, MA-220, PY-361, PY-366, SW-215. Also take FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

MA-335 Differential Equations

4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA130 and MA230 and MA235 or MA233.

MA-341 Scientific Computing

3 CreditsNPre-Req: CS-110

MA-350 Topics in Geometry

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA210 or PL208 or MA208.

MA-355 Nature of Mathematics

1 Credit Corequisite: MA350. Prerequisite: MA210 or PL208 or MA208.

MA-360 Abstract Algebra

3 Credits Prerequisites: MA160 and MA210.

MA-370 Real Analysis

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA210 and MA230 and MA235.

MA-399 Special Topics

1-4 Credits Prerequisites: Vary depending on course offering. Note: abbreviated ST: Students may take each ST: course for credit.

MA-485 Mathematics Research

3-5 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA480.

CS-300  Software Engineering

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CS240. 

CS-315  Algorithms and Analysis

4 CreditsCW,NPrerequisites: CS240 and MA116. 

CS-330  Computer Graphics

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CS-240.

CS-362  Languages and Translation

4 CreditsNPrerequisites: CS220 and CS240. Must have Junior or Senior standing. 

CS-370  Database Management Systems

3 CreditsN,CTGISPrerequisites: CS110. 

CS-399  Special Topics

1-4 Credits Prerequisites: Variable depending upon the course. Note: Students may take each ST course for credit. 

DS-352  Machine Learning

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CS-110, DS-110, and an approved statistics course from this list: MA-205, MA-220, BI-305, PY-214, PY-260, PY-366, or EB- 211. 

EB-320  Intermediate Microeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisites include EB223 and EB222. 

EB-321  Intermediate Macroeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB222 and EB223. 

EB-341  Product and Operations Management

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: EB-100

EB-463 Financial Markets & Institutions

3 CreditsS,IPrerequisite: EB222. 

EB-465  Financial Theory and Analysis

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB211 and EB362. MA220 may be used as a replacement for EB211 only. 

PC-301  Modern Physics

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: MA-230 or PC-203. Pre- or co-requisite: MA-235.

PC-320 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: PC202 or PC204.

PC-321 Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: PC320.

PC-340  Mathematical Methods in Physics

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: PC203 and MA230.

PC-350  Thermodynamics

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA235 and PC301.

PC-402  Quantum Mechanics

4 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA-235 and either PC-301 or CH-305

PC-410  Mechanics

4 CreditsNPrerequisites: PC203 and PC340.

PC-491  Electricity & Magnetism

4 CreditsNPrerequisite: PC-203.

PC-430  Optics

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: PC300 or PC301.


Take one of the following courses:

MA-480 Mathematics Seminar I

1 CreditNPrerequisites: junior or senior standing, MA160, MA210 and MA235 or permission of the instructor.

MA-485 Mathematics Research

3-5 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA480.


A program in mathematics can lay the foundation for a wide variety of careers, ranging from the very specific (actuarial science) to the very general (law). Training in mathematics develops problem solving and logical reasoning skills and a perspective to analyze, organize, and synthesize. These basic analytical tools can then be enhanced by adding appropriate technical skills.

The "core" of the Mathematics POE provides an introduction to the different conceptual and technical components of an undergraduate education in mathematics (i.e., discrete mathematics, calculus, probability and statistics, and computer programming). In addition, appropriate mathematical software is integrated throughout the program to facilitate the analysis of real world problems and the multirepresentational (i.e., graphical, numerical, and algebraic) approach to problem solving. One can then specialize in the direction of classical applied mathematics by pursuing physics and furthering the study of mathematical systems applicable to this field. Or one can move in the direction of theoretical mathematics by beginning the study of the theory behind algebra, geometry, calculus, probability and statistics, or even computer science. Beyond these more traditional options, one can also select a wide range of applications such as statistics, actuarial science, operations research, economics, computer science, or data science. The requisite skills that are relevant courses for these options vary considerably and should be chosen in close consultation with an appropriate advisor.

POE Credit Total = 48

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level at least 12 credits of which must be from courses with an MA prefix (excluding MA 480 Mathematics Seminar). Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.