Take one of the following courses:

IT-110  Principles of Information Technology

This course provides a context for further study in information technology. Topics include an overview of the fundamentals of information systems, current and emerging technologies, business applications, communications and decision making, and the impact of these systems on business, government, and society. This course will also emphasize the development of both writing and speaking skills through application of the concepts that define the course. Students who have passed IT-111 or IM-110 may not take this course.

3 CreditsS 

IT-111  Principles of IT Science

An introduction to concepts of information and the " Information Age " . Students will develop an understanding of basic computing and information systems principles and the social implications of information and information technology. The course also provides an overview on the creation, organization, analysis, storage, retrieval, and communication of information. The instruction incorporates both collaborative and action learning experience. (Students who have passed IT110 may not take this course. The meeting time reflects half of the time of the class, where the rest is on line and completed by assignments). IT111 is equated to IM110 and IT110. If you've taken IM110 or IT110 and then register for IM111, it will show as a repeat on your transcript.)

3 CreditsN,CTGIS 

Take the following courses:

MA-116 Discrete Structures

Introduces mathematical structures and concepts such as functions, relations, logic, induction, counting, and graph theory. Their application to Computer Science is emphasized.

4 CreditsN, QPre-requisite high school algebra.

CS-110  Computer Science I

An introductory study of computer science software development concepts. Python is used to introduce a disciplined approach to problem solving methods, algorithm development, software design, coding, debugging, testing, and documentation in the object oriented paradigm. This is the first course in the study of computer science. 

3 CreditsN,CTGES,CTGISRecommended programming experience or IT110 or IT100, IT111 or IM110 or MA103 but not necessary. 

IT-210  Information Technology Systems

This course introduces students to three core areas in Information Technology: networks, database and web. The course progresses through two phases during its study of modern IT environments. Initial study includes all the necessary components of today's IT system environment and its use in business. Secondly, students use a server based database development environment to create an IT system. 

4 CreditsNPrerequisites: CS110. MA116 strongly recommended. 

CS-240  Computer Science II

A continued study of computer science foundations as begun In Computer Science I. An object-oriented language such as JAVA is used to develop and implement large programs involving various data structures and data abstraction as exemplified by packages and modules. Search, sorting, advanced data structures, programming methodology and analysis are emphasized. 

4 CreditsNPrerequisites: CS110 and MA116 or MA210. 

CS-300  Software Engineering

An introduction to the issues of software design. Topics include software engineering, software project management and development of projects in a modern design environment. The focus of the course is on the process used to develop quality software. The students work in teams to develop, implement and fully document a computer project to apply these concepts. 

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CS240. 

IT-325  Network Design & Management.

Focuses on the concept of the foundations of a network in both design and support. The OSI reference model will be examined along with techniques for supporting current technologies that align with each other. Emphasis will be placed on protocols, topologies and traffic analysis. 

4 CreditsNPrerequisites: CS240 or IT210. 

CS-370  Database Management Systems

Focuses on concepts and structures necessary to design and implement a database management system. Various modern data models, data security and integrity, and concurrency are discussed. An SQL database system is designed and implemented as a group project. 

3 CreditsN,CTGISPrerequisites: CS110. 

IT-350   Security Engineering

This course will focus on the area of computer security. Included will be information on attacks, prevention, as well as protection from non-malicious threats. It will look at network as well as web based security. A focus will be on creating secure computer environments from the ground up, not as an afterthought. 

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: IT210 and junior standing or permission of the instructor. 

CM-200 Art of Public Speaking

Seeks to develop and improve fundamental principles and methods of selecting, organizing, developing, and communicating a line of reasoning and evidence for constructive influence in speaking situations. Students make three formal presentations, analyze messages, and improve their listening skills

3 CreditsCS, HPrerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.

IT-380  Innovations for Industry II

See IT308. This course will have appointed class times for projects other than those listed on the schedule. A continuation of IT308. 

4 CreditsS,CTGISPrerequisites: IT307 & IT308 and senior standing. 

IT-480  Innovations for Industry III

See IT380. This course will have appointed class times for projects other than those listed on the schedule. A continuation of IT380. 

4 CreditsS,CTGISPrerequisites: IT380 and senior standing. 

Take one of the following courses:

CM-290 The Metaverse

This introductory course focuses on how information technologies shape the way we think and organize ourselves. In studying the technology of the book, social media and the metaverse, students explore change and technology as central to the decision making of leaders. 

3 CreditsH, CW, CSPrerequisites: CM133 or IT110 or IT111.

IT-290   The Metaverse

This introductory course focuses on how information technologies shape the way we think and organize ourselves. Studying the technology of the book, the world wide web and the metaverse, students isolate the critical issues of change central to the decision making of leaders in Information Technology. 

3 Credits H,CW,CS Prerequisites: CM132 or IT110 or IT111. 

Take one of the following courses:

CM-300 Professional Presentations

Designed for students to improve and polish their speaking skills for effective presentations in professional settings. It is a performance course with emphasis placed on speech structure, audience adaptation, style of presentation (oral report and manuscript reading), with the use of PowerPoint and/or Prez1. Video is used to help speakers understand the relationship between their speaking behaviors and responses of listeners.

3 CreditsCS, HPrerequisites: CM200.

EN-315 Technical Writing

Writing focuses on various document designs and ways to present those designs in expressions appropriate to audience and purpose. Ethical discussion focuses on quality control, accuracy, and various forms of bias

4 CreditsH, CW, SW-ERPrerequisites: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 and Sophomore, Junior or Senior standing.


Take 3 credits from the EB - Accounting, Business & Economics Department. (EB-202: Behavioral Analysis of Organizations is recommended)


Complete one of the folowing options below:


Take the following courses:

IT-341  Web Design

A study of modern web design along with an examination of markup and scripting languages (e.g., HTML, JavaScript), page, image and multimedia formats, and the techniques in developing and managing a web site. Page design, graphical user interfaces, interactive techniques and the importance of e-commerce are also emphasized. 

2 Credits Prerequisites: CS110 or permission.

IT-342  Web Programming

A study of the modern web programming environment, including introduction to Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, HTML, XHTML, and JavaScript. The class will address client-side scripting as well as server-side technology, and accessing a database. These technologies will be combined to create an active, dynamic web page. 

2 Credits Prerequisite: CS-240. Corequisite: IT-341. 


Take the following courses:

IT-260  Human Computer Interaction

To users of any system, the interface is what they see and think of as the computer. Interaction with a computer can be better defined in terms of interface, as any part of the computer system that the user comes in contact with, either physically, perceptually, or conceptually. Human interaction with computers can be studied, designed, evaluated, with the goal being to produce usable products from a human-centric perspective. 

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: CS110. 

IM-242  Info Visualization

This course considers the various aspects of presenting digital information for public consumption visually. Data formats from binary, text, various file types, to relational databases and web sites are covered to understand the framework of information retrieval for use in visualization tools. Visualization and graphical analyses of data are considered in the context of the human visual system for appropriate information presentation. Various open-source and commercial digital tools are considered for development of visualization projects. 

3 CreditsN,CTDH,CTGESPrerequisite: IT 110, IT 111, IM 110, DS 110, or CS 110 or permission. 


Complete one of the following options below:


Take the following course:

ESS-330 Geographical Information Systems

This course is an introduction to a Geographical Information System (GIS), and the course objective is that students gain a basic, partial understanding of GIS concepts, technical issues, and applications using Arc View GIS. It encourages thinking in spatial context. A diverse array of hands-on computer applications and projects are used to understand how geographical data can be analyzed spatially. Students explore analysis techniques in a problem basis learning approach using small team projects.

4 CreditsCTGISNote: A special course fee is assessed. Prerequisite: ESS100.


Take an additional 300 or 400 level IT/CS course.


Take the following courses:

IT-260  Human Computer Interaction

To users of any system, the interface is what they see and think of as the computer. Interaction with a computer can be better defined in terms of interface, as any part of the computer system that the user comes in contact with, either physically, perceptually, or conceptually. Human interaction with computers can be studied, designed, evaluated, with the goal being to produce usable products from a human-centric perspective. 

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: CS110. 

IM-242  Info Visualization

This course considers the various aspects of presenting digital information for public consumption visually. Data formats from binary, text, various file types, to relational databases and web sites are covered to understand the framework of information retrieval for use in visualization tools. Visualization and graphical analyses of data are considered in the context of the human visual system for appropriate information presentation. Various open-source and commercial digital tools are considered for development of visualization projects. 

3 CreditsN,CTDH,CTGESPrerequisite: IT 110, IT 111, IM 110, DS 110, or CS 110 or permission. 


Take the following courses:

IT-307  Project Management

This course reviews and applies project management processes and techniques such as project life cycle, project selection methods, work breakdown instructions, network diagrams, cost estimates, and more. 

3 CreditsS,CW,CS,SW-LEPrerequisites: IT210 and Jr or Sr standing or permission of the instructor. Corequisite: IT308. 

IT-308  Innovations for Industry I

This lab will require a team of students to function as a project development team for an IT- related business. The students will be exposed to many aspects of systems analysis, design, development and implementation, as well as project management tools and techniques. Students will be required to learn in a just-in-time mode using on-demand educational resources. 

1 CreditsSPrerequisites: IT210 and Jr or Sr standing or by permission of the instructor. Corequisite: IT307. Note: This course will have appointed class times for projects other than the times listed on the schedule. 

1. The department may approve up to 7 credits of substitute technology related courses
2. The department recommends pursuing a related secondary emphasis in another discipline, e.g. business

The Information Technology and Computer Science (ITCS) Department does not permit students to pursue the following dual Programs of Emphases (POEs). 
    • Information Technology & Computer Science
    • Information Technology & Business Information Technology
    • Computer Science & Business Information Technology

POE Credit Total = 60-63

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.

Learn the Skills You Need ...

The importance of communication and business skills
An appreciation for the wide-spread acceptance of multi-platform, distributed computing environments
An appreciation for IT's role in providing competitive advantage in today's dynamic business environment
How to deploy the latest technologies to solve real-world problems

... For the Future You Want

System and network administration
Web and multimedia development
Database development
Marketing and online commerce
Graduate studies
Content developer
Network or systems administrator
Facilities manager
User support specialist
Database developer or administrator
Multimedia developer
Systems analyst
Application developer
Interface design specialist
Testing and quality assurance specialist
Instructional designer
Technical marketing representative