Students who complete designated Programs of Emphasis in the department of History and Art History write senior theses during 1 or 2 semesters. For details on the process, see the Curriculum page. For faculty research, please see the individual faculty pages in the left sidebar or the links below the senior thesis list.
- Avi Vaughan '22, "The Devil in the Discourse: Reading the Roman de Silence as Religious Allegory" (Joint thesis in History and French)
- Brian Standfest '23, "The Rise, the Fall, and the Legacy of the Tucker '48"
- Courtney A. Eller '23, "Cults and the Establishment Clause" (Joint thesis in History and Politics)
- Ethan Flint '23, "Freedom and Unity: How the People of the New Hampshire Grants Formed Vermont"
- Meaghan Grennan '23, "Almost Feminists: 1960s Los Angeles Groupies"
- Meaghan Grennanj '23, "F*** You! A Thesis on the Development of New York Punk on the Lower East Side"
- Zhining Zhang '22, "Global Relations under the COVID-19: the Beginning of the New Cold War History"
- Will Zeke Trowbridge '23, "Finding Robert de Reddinge: the Story of a Thirteenth-century Convert to Judaism"
- William Harrell '23, "The Gracchi Domino that Collapsed the Roman Republic"
- Tyler Yuslum '23, "The Fight for Purity in Ephrata: G. Edwin Brumbaugh and the Restoration of the Historic Ephrata Cloister"
- Roland Hunter '22, "Fort Halifax: the Importance of Archaeology"
- Timothy Fox '23, "A Story of Water, Iodine, and Plutonium: Hanford Engineering Works' Environmental Impact during World War II"
- Nicholas Sifford '23, "An African American Odyssey through 363 Years: Reclaiming the History of the Siffords"
- Jesse Chorba '23, "Memory, Modernity, and Sport: A Historiographic Analysis of Kon Ichikawa's Tokyo Olympiad (1965)"
- Emilie Deffenbaugh '22, "Peace During a Time of War: A Look at How the Civilian Public Service Program Affected the Creation of Modern International Humanitarian Programs"
- Madison Eicher '22, "Hexenwahn ('Witch-craze'): A Glimpse into Early Modern 'Witch' Lore, Inquisitions, and Trials"
- Lucero Figueroa '22, "Malquerida: the voices of women in rural Michoacan, Mexico"
- Elyzabeth Graham '22, "Andrei Amalrik: Prophet, Puppet, or Pasquinade?"
Kai Islander '22, "The Lasting Institutions of Henry I and his Legacy" - Michael Meyer Starr '23, "The United States Minimum Wage: Controversy and Incremental Change"
- Rabecka Mason '22, "Lacing Identity: Corsets in Mid-Victorian Britain"
- Jordan Wilson '22, "Pre-Raphaelites and Painting: How the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Revived and Individualized English Art"
- Abigail Altland '21, "The Earl Grey Scheme and the Immigration of Irish Famine Orphan Girls to Australia: Stories of Hardship, Discrimination, and Perseverance."
- Kaden Zellers '21, "Never Treated Like and Adult: Changes in Patient Autonomy from the 1950s through the 1970s."
- Lena Hathaway '21, "Crafting Culture: Crochet’s Changing Styles and Status "
- Adeline Pointer '21, "Francis Bacon: Exploring the Connections between Pig Carcasses and the Crucified Christ."
- Grace Woolway '21, "Changing the Perspective: Suzanne Valadon and the Female Nude."
- Emma Lane '21, "Challenging Library Neutrality: Black Lives Matter and Art in the Library."
- Olivia Backenstoes '20, "Changing Perspective: American Indians in Pennsylvania's Historical Marker Program"
- Mara Revitsky '20, "Oh, Brother: A Deconstruction of Gender Ideologies in Grimms' Fairy Tales"
- Luke Kresse '20, "Boulevard Driver to the Sports Car Tiger: The Evolution from a Styling First to an Engineering First Design for the Chevrolet Corvette"
- Kiera Lindner '20, "Continuity in Prehistoric Irish Religious and Cultural Practices: A Brief Survey of the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Bronze Age-Iron Age transition in Ancient Ireland"
- Karan Nair '20, "'Crack in a Can': The Role of Energy Drinks and Other Drugs in the Twenty-First Century U.S. Military"
- Lauren Rollison '20, "'I have found Woman more Bitter than Death': Women in the Malleus Maleficarum"
- Abigail Teaford '20, "Sofonisba Anguissola: Uncovering the Artist Behind the Paintings"
- Benjamin Shupp '20, "To Serve God or Country: Understanding American Mennonite Military Service in the Second World War"
- Logan Ulsh '20, "Only in a Jeep: The History of the Jeep as an Icon in American Culture"
- Rose Vermette '20, "Hierarchies of Gender in Nazi Germany: How Nazi German Gender Hierarchies Shaped Gendered Violence in Concentration Camps"
- Maddison Garrick '19, "Refuse, Withhold From, or Deny: Pennsylvania's Struggles with Public School Segregation from 1930 through 1970"
- Veronica Cosmopolis '20, "The Guerrilla Girls and further strategies for enacting feminist agency"
- Nitya Chagti '19, "Kalós' and the Intellectual Development of Greek Aesthetics."
- Bridget Redpath '19, "Picture Perfect Power: How Queen Elizabeth I Politicized Fashion and Portraiture to Tame her Nobility."
- Andrea Zilch '19, "His Brother's Keeper: Esau Jenkins's Commitment to Voting Rights on Johns Island, South Carolina, 1948-1972."
- Allison Rismondo '19, "Taking a Bite of the Truth"
- Kahley Stewart '18, "'She's Making History Working for Victory': The Women Who Were Rosie the Riveter and the Foundation They Laid for 20th Century Feminism."
- Mason Sherry '18, "A Historiographical Examination of the Nanjing Massacre: Victimization, Silence, and Denial."
- Christina Altland '18, "Fort Dewart: A Historical and Archaeological Analysis of an Underrepresented Fort."
- Andrew Burlingame ’17: “The Roots and Effects of Conservatism in Central Pennsylvania,”
- Emma Campbell '16, "The Prodigal Daughter Returns: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Henry VIII and his Daughter Mary."
- Linley Erickson '16, "Curmudgeon for a Cause: Harold Ickes' Lifelong Work for Racial Justice."
- Kayla Morgan '16, "Fleeing to the Fort: Loyalist and Indian attacks in Sinking Valley."
- Erik Krueger '15, “Pride and Prejudice: An Examination of the Nazis’ Anti-Semitic Propaganda Campaign, 1933-1941."