Essential Courses

Course # Title
BI 101 General Biology I
BI 102 General Biology II
CH 142 and CH 143 Integrated Chemistry Principles I with Lab
CH 144 and 145 Integrated Chemistry Principles II with Lab
CH 232 and CH 233 Organic Chemistry I and Lab (prereq for BI 310)
BI 305 or MA 205 Biostatistics or Elementary Statistics
BI 310 Physiology
BI 367 and BI 368 Comparative Anatomy with Lab
SO 101 Introduction to Sociology
PC 200 General Physics I (with Lab)
PY 101 Introduction to Psychology 
PY 203 Abnormal Psychology
PY 350 or SW 221 Developmental Psychology or The Life Cycle
EN ___ English Course (writing course prefered)

Important Notes

  • Strongly recommend Introduction to Ethics, Social Science Research Methods, as many programs not affiliated with Juniata require these courses. Also recommend applied art (ex. pottery, jewelry-making), Communication courses, Ethics of Health Care, Minorities, Aging and Society, Social Problems and Social Welfare, Mental and Physical Handicaps, and economics.
  • This course list does NOT represent a POE, nor does it cover College requirements. Design a POE in consultation with your advisor. 
  • Make sure to have an advisor on the Health Professions Committee.
  • In addition to your course work it is mandatory to gain experience in occupational therapy either during the school year or over the summer.


Guaranteed Interview with Thomas Jefferson University Occupational Therapy Program. Ask your Health Professions Advisor for details.

Helpful websites:

American Occupational Therapy Association -

Suggested Core Progression for Pre-Occupational Therapy*

Bolded courses are offered only in the indicated semester and/or require a specific sequence due to Juniata prerequisites. Non-bolded courses are either offered in both semesters or represent open-ended choices, making them more flexible in when they can be taken. Course progressions after the freshman year are not carved in stone. Your particular course sequence may be different, depending on your situation. Consult with your advisor.

Freshman Year BI 101 BI 102
  CH 142/143 CH 144/145
    PY 101
Sophomore Year CH 232/233  
  SO 101 PY 203
Junior Year PY 350 or SW 221 Statistics (any semester)
  BI 310 BI 367/368

If you study abroad the SAFEST strategy is to take ALL prerequisite courses for professional school in the U.S., which may require you to take courses in the U.S. over the summer, preferably at a 4 year institution. However, if this is extremely difficult for your situation, check with the professional schools you wish to attend to see if they will accept courses taken abroad and if so, get their response in writing.

Be mindful of your POE courses, which are NOT indicated here.