Take the following courses:
ESS-100 Environmental Systems I
This course introduces students to the concept of systems, reviews ecological systems, and then goes on to human systems as these impact the environment. The course will explore the two forces that are at the core of most environmental impacts (climate change, ozone depletion, air and water pollution, and a loss of biodiversity) will be explored as will the fundamental attributes of agriculture, food, soil, and water. Throughout, the influence of culture, society, ethics, and science on the environmental problems will be discussed.
4 CreditsN, WK-SP, CTGISPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
BI-101 General Biology I
General Biology I is the first course in the Biology POE core curriculum. This course will be structured around four primary case studies on the opioid crisis, climate change, environmental toxicology and the evolution of speed in animals. The cases will outline foundational concepts in molecular biology and evolution.
4 Credits
GL-100A Environmental Geology
Student perceptions of what constitutes geology have shifted. Contemporary students need to be made aware that geology IS the study of the physical environment of the earth and that a central part of what geologists do entails an exploration of how humans and the built environment both affect and are affected by the earth's physical/environmental system. While our previous title and description for this course, Introduction to Physical Geology, carried these implicit understandings, we find it important now to draw students' attention explicitly to the environmental character of our study of Earth.
3 CreditsN
Complete one of the following options below: (PC-202/PC-202L or PC-204)
PC-202 Intro Physics I
A calculus-based introduction to the basic principles of mechanics (including periodic motion and dynamics), heat and thermodynamics, and special relativity.
3 CreditsN, QM, WK-FRCorequisite: PC-202L. Corequisite or Prerequisite: MA-130 or MA-230.
PC-202L Intro Physics Lab I
This lab is a calculus-based introductory laboratory experience that is designed to accompany PC-202. Individual experiments will correlate with the course, including kinematics, Newton's Laws, energy, and momentum.
1 CreditNCorequisite: PC-202. Prerequisite or corequisite: MA-130 or MA-230.
CEE-101 Intro to Civil & Environmental Engineering
This seminar-style class provides information about the civil and environmental engineering curriculum and career pathways. This course introduces students to a variety of topics through guest speakers, class discussions, and networking opportunities.
1 Credit
Take the following courses:
An introduction to the principles of chemistry, this course begins a two semester
sequence that integrates information from all aspects of chemistry while focusing
on the core principles of the relationships between energy, the structure of atoms
and molecules, and atomic and molecular properties and reactivity. Topics include
energy, reactions, atomic structure, elemental properties, bonding, and molecular
properties. 3 CreditsNCorequisite CH143 This semester will focus on learning good laboratory practices, primarily through
the quantitative analysis of compounds. The quantitative analysis of materials and
an understanding of reproducibility and bias are relevant to many fields, including
medical analysis or the analysis of contaminants in the environment. This course will
also teach you how to keep an excellent laboratory notebook, identify safety hazards
in the lab, and complete data analysis and graphing in Excel. All of these tools will
serve you well in a variety of careers. 1 CreditsN, QSCH142 is a corequisite of this course. A lab fee is associated with this course.CH-142 Integrated Chemistry Principles I
CH-143 Integrated Chem Principles I Lab
Complete one of the following options below: (GL-126 or CH-144/CH-145)
GL-126 Environmental Geochemistry
This course will introduce fundamental geologic process through a geochemical lens. Basic geochemical reactions involving water-rock interactions at both high and low temperatures will be considered. The class will focus on the environmental problems in atmosphere and continents.
3 CreditsN
CH-144 Integrated Chemistry Principles II
An introduction to the principles of chemistry, this course completes a two semester sequence that integrates information from all aspects of chemistry while focusing on the core principles of the relationships between energy, the structure of atoms and molecules, and atomic and molecular properties and reactivity. Topics include thermodynamics, equilibrium reactions, acid/base and redox reactions, kinetics and nuclear reactions.
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-142
CH-145 Integrated Chemistry Principles II Lab
This semester will focus on learning good laboratory practices, primarily through the quantitative analysis of compounds. The quantitative analysis of materials and an understanding of reproducibility and bias are relevant to many fields, including medical analysis or the analysis of contaminants in the environment. This course will also teach you how to keep an excellent laboratory notebook, identify safety hazards in the lab, and complete data analysis and graphing in Excel. All of these tools will serve you well in a variety of careers.
1 CreditN, QSPrerequisite: CH-143. A lab fee is associated with this course.
Take the following courses:
MA-130 Calculus I
An introduction to calculus including differentiation and integration of elementary functions of a single variable, limits, tangents, rates of change, maxima and minima, area, volume, and other applications. Integrates the use of computer algebra systems, and graphical, algebraic and numerical thinking.
4 CreditsN, QM
MA-230 Calculus II
Expands the treatment of two-space using polar and parametric equations. Emphasizes multivariable calculus, including vectors in three dimensions, curves and surfaces in space, functions of several variables, partial differentiation, multiple integration, and applications.
4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisite: MA130
MA-235 Calculus III
A continuation of the calculus sequence. Topics include methods of integration by Simpson's Rule, applications, Taylor and Fourier series; introduction to ordinary differential equations; integration in polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates; differential and integral vector calculus.
4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA230.
MA-335 Differential Equations
Theory and application of ordinary differential equations. Emphasis on modern qualitative techniques, with numerical and analytical approaches used when appropriate. Contains a brief introduction to partial differential equations.
4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA130 and MA230 and MA235 or MA233.
Take one of the following courses:
ESS-230 Environmetrics
This course is a survey of the various visual, statistical, and modeling approaches commonly used in the analysis of environmental data. The course covers: (1) visual literacy from exploratory data inquisition to poster creation; (2) elementary group comparison such as t-test and ANOVA and their non-parametric analogs;(3) basic systems modeling; and (4) regression modeling techniques based on the generalized linear model framework.
3 CreditsN, QS, CTGES, CTGISPrerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of the instructor.
MA-205 Elementary Statistics
Introduction to traditional statistical concepts including descriptive statistics, binomial and normal probability models, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, linear correlation and regression, two-way contingency tables, and one-way analysis of variance.
4 CreditsN, QS, WK-SPPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
BI-305 Biostatistics
This course deals centrally with quantitative and statistical methodology in the biological sciences. It includes experimental design and the conventions of generating, analyzing, interpreting and presenting biological data. Counts as a math course for graduate and professional school requirements.
4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100
DS-110 Intro to Data Science
This course introduces the student to the emerging field of data science through the presentation of basic math and statistics principles, an introduction to the computer tools and software commonly used to perform the data analytics, and a general overview of the machine learning techniques commonly applied to datasets for knowledge discovery. The students will identify a dataset for a final project that will require them to perform preparation, cleaning, simple visualization and analysis of the data with such tools as Excel and R. Understanding the varied nature of data, their acquisition and preliminary analysis provides the requisite skills to succeed in further study and application of the data science field. Prerequisite: comfort with pre-calculus topics and use of computers.
3 CreditsN
Take the following courses:
CEE-312 Fluid Mechanics
Understanding the basics of fluid movement isnecessary; however, an open mind and anappreciation of an inexact science are alsoessential. This is an introductory course in thebasic principles of fluid properties and fluidflow. The course will cover fluid system/controlvolume relationship analysis for continuum,energy, and momentum.
4 CreditsNPrerequisite: MA-130
GL-305 Hydrogeology
The study of the natural occurrence of water. Topics include: the hydrologic cycle, precipitation, stream flow, soil moisture, ground water occurrence, aquifer flow and testing chemical characteristics, contamination, development and management of ground-water resources. Note: Includes a field experience and a special fee is assessed.
3 CreditsN
ESS-305 Environmental Economics
This course will cover the basics of microeconomic analysis as it applies to the environmental decision making and environmental policy with respect to pollution abetment, resource harvesting, and sustainability analysis. The course will also explore the strengths and weaknesses of economic models of human behavior. Finally, the course explores the growing concern of sustainable and resilient economies. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor.
3 CreditsS
ESS-318 Environmental Water Quality
The objective of this course is to provide an overview of surface and groundwater quality and the impacts of human and natural influences on both human and environmental health. Analytical methods for water quality assessment. Physical, chemical, and biological factors of water quality. Introduction to water/wastewater treatment processes.
4 CreditsNPrereqs: CH-142 and BI-101.
ESS-320 Environmental Monitoring
This course develops skills in monitoring the environment, with a strong focus on water quality monitoring (both chemical and biological) in a variety of habitats. Environmental site assessment will also be conducted. A weekend-long field trip is required.
4 CreditsNPrerequisite: ESS100 and ESS200 or permission.
ESS-330 Geographical Information Systems
This course is an introduction to a Geographical Information System (GIS), and the course objective is that students gain a basic, partial understanding of GIS concepts, technical issues, and applications using Arc View GIS. It encourages thinking in spatial context. A diverse array of hands-on computer applications and projects are used to understand how geographical data can be analyzed spatially. Students explore analysis techniques in a problem basis learning approach using small team projects.
4 CreditsCTGISNote: A special course fee is assessed. Prerequisite: ESS100.
ESS-337 Environmental Law
This course will examine the major environmental laws in the United States and major Supreme Court cases covering these statutes. The status covered will be National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), The Clean Water Act (CWA), The Clean Air Acr (CAA), The Endangered Species Act (ESA), Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and The Toxic Substances Control Act (TOSCA), The Forest Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), and the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA).
3 CreditsS, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS-100 or PS-110. Must have sophomore standing or above.
CEE-200 Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering is aimed at broadening students' understanding of issues in environmental engineering. This course integrates engineering principles and fundamentals from the natural sciences with policy analyses to solve real-world problems that impact major environmental compartments such as air, water, energy, and waste resources.
3 CreditsPrerequisites: MA-130, CH-142, and CH-143.
CEE-310 Hydrology
This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the distribution and behavior of water in both natural and human altered systems. This course is designed to provide the student with an introductory understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water in natural and human altered systems.
3 CreditsPrerequisite: MA-130
CEE-410 Open Channel Flow
Topics will include concepts of open channel flow, data requirements, basic input requirements, output analysis, application of bridge and culvert routines, and floodway determination. Participants will have an opportunity to prepare input and analyze output during workshops.
3 CreditsPrerequisite: CEE-312
CEE-419 Water/Wastewater Treatment
This course is a study of the physical, chemical, and biological unit processes for the treatment of municipal drinking water and wastewater. It covers the design and operation of integratedtreatment systems to remove pollutants from water. Environmental microbiology and chemistry concepts as well as mass transfer and reactor design concepts are reviewed throughout the class.
4 CreditsPrerequisite: CEE-318.
Take one of the following courses:
CEE-315 Environmental Sustainability
Provide students with an overview of sustainability, indicators of sustainability, sustainability matrices and assessment tools, sustainable engineering practices, and applications of sustainability concepts to engineering with selected case studies. Students will address grand challenges as identified in a recent study prepared by the National Academy of Sciences.
3 CreditsPrerequisites: CEE-200 and MA-230.
ESS-365 Sustainable Development
This course explores the cultural, ethical,ecological and engineering complexities of sustainable development. Water, agriculture, and wildlife conservation will play a central role in the topics. Distributive justice will play a central role in the ethical considerations. The material will focus on comparison between locally sustainability effort and those of our partners in India, Nepal, Ecuador, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
3 CreditsI, N, SW-ERPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
Take one of the following courses:
CEE-401 Civil & Environ Engineering Capstone
This course is intended to provide a real-world, project based experience at an advanced level. The student teams utilize skills they have acquired in their academic career to evaluate and provide potential solutions to realistic engineering opportunities. The project will be chosen each year based on needs and opportunities in local agencies to provide an advanced project that can be done in one year. Must be a Civil or Environmental Engineering POE and have senior standing.
3 Credits
POE Credit Total = 82
Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.