Take the following courses:

ESS-100 Environmental Systems I

4 CreditsN, WK-SP, CTGISPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

GL-100  Intro to Physical Geology

3 CreditsN 

ESS-305 Environmental Economics

3 CreditsS 

ESS-230 Environmetrics

3 CreditsN, QS, CTGES, CTGISPrerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of the instructor.

ESS-310 Water Resources I

3 CreditsQM, NPrerequisites: ESS100.

ESS-337 Environmental Law

3 CreditsS, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS-100 or PS-110. Must have sophomore standing or above.

Take one of the following courses:

ESS-224 Wildlife Mgmt

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: ESS100 and BI105 and BI121. A special course fee is assessed.

ESS-324 Natural Resource Management

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: ESS100 and BI105 and BI121. A special course fee is as sessed.


Take the following courses:

EB-105  International Economic Issues

3 CreditsS,I

EB-222  Principles of Macroeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing 

EB-223  Principles of Microeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing. 

EB-381  International Political Economy

3 CreditsS,IPrerequisite: EB105. 

Take one of the following courses:

EB-463 Financial Markets & Institutions

3 CreditsS,IPrerequisite: EB222. 

EB-465  Financial Theory and Analysis

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB211 and EB362. MA220 may be used as a replacement for EB211 only. 


Take the following courses:

PS-101 Introduction to U.S. Government

4 CreditsS, WK-SIPre- or Co-requisite: FYC-101

PY-101 Introduction to Psychology

3 CreditsS

PY-304 Cognitive Psychology

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: PY101.

PY-403 Judgment & Decision Making

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: PY101.


Take three of the following courses:

MA-130 Calculus I

4 CreditsN, QM

MA-160 Linear Algebra

3 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA130.

MA-303 Mathematical Modeling

3 CreditsN, QM, CWNote: MA160 is recommended. Prerequisite: MA130 and experience with programming and Minitab.

ESS-309 Econometrics

2 CreditsN, QPrerequisites: Introductory economics course.


Take one of the following courses:

ESS-400 Senior Capstone I

1-3 CreditsS, CTGISPrerequisite: ESS200 and Senior Standing or permission of the instructor.

ESS-401 Senior Capstone II

1-3 CreditsN, S, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS100 and Junior or Senior standing or permission.

POE Credit Total = 61-62

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.