The residence halls close several times during the year. Your RA will inform you of these dates and times. Students who have legitimate reasons for early return must request permission from the Office of Residential Life two weeks prior to the break. There is a $20 charge/day for housing during designated breaks. Last minute requests will not be granted. Failure to leave by the designated time or returning before the halls reopen may result in administrative charges and/or judicial action.
When the halls are closed for Thanksgiving break, residents are required to:
- Close and lock windows; close curtains/blinds.
- Turn off all lights.
- Dispose of all trash or recycling.
- Unplug all appliances except refrigerators and fish tanks.
- Remove all valuables, including cash and checkbooks.
- Lock door.
During semester and spring breaks, residents must:
- Do all of the above.
- Clean and unplug refrigerators.
- Dispose of all perishable food items.
We recommend removing plants to protect them from lowered room temperatures. Please note that the College assumes no responsibility for plants, fish, or personal property in your room. All rooms are checked by the RA or RD to ensure closing procedures have been carried-out. Compliance with closing procedures assures the safety and security of your living area. Failure to comply may result in judicial action and/or an administrative charge.