Original Document Date: 10/31/2006
Last Updated: 03/04/2010
- All alumni, parents, and friends mailing/donor list requests should be forwarded to the Advancement Data Coordinator and must include the purpose for the request. The requests should be made utilizing the Development Report Request web form (http://www.intranet.juniata.edu/administration/alumdev/forms/).
- A draft copy of the mailing piece or e-mail to be sent (newsletter, letter, e-mail
message, fundraising activity, etc.) should accompany the request.
- If no mailing piece is available, special permission may only be granted by the Director of Data and Prospect Management or the Executive Director of Constituent Relations.
- Requests will not be approved unless the purpose is included.
- If the purpose is not related to fundraising, the Advancement Data Coordinator may approve the request as long as it adheres to the Donor & Constituent Information Policy and provide the list to the requester.
- If the purpose is related to fundraising and involves a solicitation, the solicitation
must first be approved by the VP for Advancement and Marketing or the Executive Director
of Constituent Relations.
- All approved fundraising list requests should be forwarded to and processed by the Director of Data and Prospect Management. In the absence of the Director of Data and Prospect Management, the Advancement Data Coordinator will process the list.
- If the Advancement Data Coordinator is unable to determine the purpose of the request,
he/she should ask either the Director of Data and Prospect Management or the Executive
Director of Constituent Relations for assistance.
- If the request is not connected to fundraising, the Director of Data and Prospect Management or the Executive Director of Constituent Relations will send the request back to the Advancement Data Coordinator, who will then prepare and send the list.
- To better track how many times our constituents are being contacted by the College, the Advancement Data Coordinator will keep a log indicating who requests a list, for what purpose, what group was pulled and quantity.