Types of International Students

Juniata admits the following types of international students:

Degree Regular Admit / Transfer / Conditional Admit English:  Regular degree candidates who apply through the Enrollment Office for admission.  Some students are conditionally accepted due to English level, i.e. TOEFL score less than 550.  These students will have an opportunity to enroll in ESL courses prior to admission for degree study. 

Sponsored / Special Scholarship: Students who are sponsored through government-funded or private scholarship agencies. In some cases, the students are transferring credits from previous university study and must complete their program in two years.


Juniata Exchange: Students who come to Juniata through our institutional exchange agreements.  Students from designated exchange sites may choose to participate in the Partner Degree program.  These are year-long students from designated exchange sites who choose to receive a Bachelor’s degree from Juniata upon the completion of their degree from their home institution.  Students must declare their intent to participate in the Partner Degree program before the end of the add/ drop period of their first semester at Juniata. 

English for Academic Purposes Programs:  Students who study ESL courses in the English for Academic Purposes Program.

Non-degree: Non-degree students may come to complete requirements for their home university through a combination of course work and research work. 

Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (FLTA): Non-degree students who also teach language courses as sponsored through Fulbright. 

Visa Status

Most international students must obtain a student visa in order to enter the United States.   The primary student visa types listed require that students maintain full-time enrollment (12 credits or more).

F-1 Visa: A visa for people who want to study at a U.S. college or university. This visa is usually given to students whose primary purpose is to obtain a degree or to study English as a Second Language.

J-1 Visa: A visa for people who will be participating in an exchange visitor program in the U.S. This visa is usually given to students or scholars who are participating on an exchange program or who intend to study in a non-degree program. 

Visa regulations require that students discuss academic course load, employment (on, off campus, or following completion of studies), internships, and other practical experiences with the Director of International Student and Scholar Services responsible for international student and visa services prior to any participation.  Failure to do so can result in serious immigration violations.

Application Process and Deadlines

Recommended application submission dates for international students are:

      Fall semester - March 15

     Spring semester - October 15

Costs and Financial Aid

Degree students will confer with the Enrollment and Student Financial Planning concerning costs and financial aid.  Sponsored / Special Scholarship and Exchange students should confer with the Center for International Education regarding specific costs, as well as scholarship and exchange financial arrangements. 

Academic Credit and Transcripts

International students in most cases are registered for academic credits in the courses in which they enroll. 

All international students are required to adhere to policies as listed in The Pathfinder.  The Pathfinder is written and issued by the Dean of Students Office and is designed to provide students with information about the policies, procedures, and services of Juniata College.  All Juniata students are expected to be thoroughly familiar with the information presented in the Pathfinder.

Unless otherwise noted, exceptions to any of the above policies must be requested in writing and submitted to the Dean of International Education, with supporting letters from student advisors.