Come Together, Right Now
In Huntingdon, folks truly come together when someone is in need—often quietly and without fanfare. Becky (Weikert) Bard ’02
managing editor, The Daily News
Not a Small World, After All
I love that Huntingdon is considered a small town but we have a high school, a college, a hospital, a Walmart, two OIPs, and three Sheetz! Michael J. Wityk ’94
counselor and comprehensive studies program coordinator, Penn State University

Right at Home
Though I am originally from a big city, my fellow Huntingdon citizens have made me feel like I belong, which is the biggest reason I came back for good. Far too often, I hear stories about people who make a move to another town and are made to feel like outsiders. I have had exactly the opposite experience in Huntingdon. In fact, it is hard for me to believe I wasn’t born and raised here. Jennifer (Habel) Hall ’04
partner, BMZ Law
Expect the Unexpected
I love the architecture of Huntingdon’s buildings. A walk around town is certain to offer up an architectural feature that you never noticed before. My family and I were looking for an older home with character and history that needed someone to take care of it. We ended up in a house built by Richard Langdon, a Bedford coal mine operator who moved to Huntingdon in the early 1870s. There are a lot of homes in the area like this, mostly concentrated in Huntingdon Borough, and particularly in the historic section of downtown. And it isn’t just the homes, but other historic buildings, churches, fences, walls, gardens, and trees. There is a curved brick wall on 7th and Moore that I love to walk past. They have redbud trees along it which yield wild purple color in early spring. John Wright ’93
associate professor of computer science
Hidden Treasures
Huntingdon has small-town charm with so many outdoor recreation opportunities just minutes from town. One of my favorite things to do is sneak away to a secret swimming hole to cool off. We are spoiled—our backyards are beautiful in all seasons! Jeff Meitrott ’98
geological specialist, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Always a Contender
Over the course of our marriage, my wife and I have kicked around the idea of moving several times. Someplace with water? More urban? Maybe Tahiti? Every time, Huntingdon was on the list of possibilities; our time at Juniata was transformative and the town itself was a major reason why. When an opportunity arose to move back, we took the plunge without regret, because Huntingdon has always felt like home, even when we had other homes. Sean Steeg ’00
vice president, Huntingdon Borough Council

Entrepreneurial Spirits
When I think of Huntingdon, I can’t help but see the possibilities of entrepreneurial expansion. There are spaces available, and the co-ops that occur at Stone Town Gallery & Café and Standing Stone Coffee Company are inspiring. Angie (Wolf) Thompson ’94
ceo, thompson’s candle Company
Owner, gage Mansion Bed and Breakfast
Helping Hands
I enjoy the nonprofit organizations that make our area great, from the Huntingdon Community Center, Huntingdon County PRIDE, and the Humane Society to the volunteer fire and EMS companies. I also love the clear view of the night sky we can enjoy. Marsha Frye Hartman ’70
retired fundraising professional

A Zany Network of Friends
I always say Huntingdon has a special kind of gravity. Since we graduated from Juniata, my partner, Jake Weller ’11, and I have moved from Huntingdon twice—and have returned both times. We have become intertwined with Huntingdon’s arts, cultural, and outdoor community, and have a loving, zany network of friends, which include recent transplants and lifelong Huntingdonians alike. Erica Quinn ’10
academic adviser, Penn State University

From Skeptical to Savoring
When I moved to Huntingdon 18 years ago from Berlin, New Jersey, to study at Juniata, I wasn’t sure about Huntingdon. I wasn’t ready to be dropped off in what I then felt was “the middle of nowhere.” But I’ve come to realize that Huntingdon is truly in the middle of so much—I enjoy hiking local trails, taking my family to Raystown Lake, and kayaking the Juniata River. Here, I have met many like-minded people and many people who are very different from me. Now, I’m home. Jessica (Jackson) Nabozny ’04
community health educator, Penn State University

Raise ’Em Right
My family made a conscious and enthusiastic decision to move back here to raise our daughter and work for the College. We were welcomed back with open arms and instantly felt connected with the faculty, staff, and students, as well as the surrounding community. We love supporting local businesses and finding ways to show community pride. The resources provided on and off campus truly help keep the real world in check and down to earth. Brittany (Carr) DeHaven ’09
assistant dean of admission

Warm and Fuzzy Greetings
We love that everywhere we go—church, the grocery store, local restaurants, or out on a walk—we are greeted by people we know and care for. Often those greetings include hugs. Bob McMinn ’79
executive vice president and general counsel, Kish Bank

Walk This Way
In Huntingdon it is so easy and convenient to get to local shops, churches, eateries, the movie theater, grocery stores, and farmers market because they are all within walking distance. My favorite memory (so far) of living in Huntingdon is walking out my front door on a Saturday morning and strolling towards downtown, grabbing a coffee at Standing Stone Coffee Company, while sharing greetings with friends and strangers along the way. Everyone is so friendly, inevitably you end up in a conversation with someone you had not met before, and end up making a new connection. I am really looking forward to enjoying and exploring Huntingdon as the years go by! Cindy Gibboney ’18
director of enrollment/alumni engagement

A Matter of Trust
One day, I left to boat on Raystown Lake. I packed a bag full with my laptop, phone, and wallet. When I got to my car to leave, I realized that I left my keys in my house, so I dropped my bag and went back to get my keys. I arrived at the lake and couldn’t find my bag, because I left it in the street outside my house. When I returned home, my bag was gone. I didn’t panic, though, because I’ve gotten used to the kindness of people here. I thought maybe someone found them and put them on my porch—nope. I also thought that maybe someone put them inside my front door, since we rarely lock our homes around here—nope. A few minutes later, I found a message in my Facebook inbox from two teenagers who live around the corner. They found my bag earlier on, took it home, and messaged me. That doesn’t happen everywhere, and it’s one of the many reasons I love to call Huntingdon home. Rob Yelnosky ’85
vice president of enrollment

Live and Local
After graduating from Juniata, we returned not only to stay connected to the College but also because this area provides the perfect balance of the activities we enjoy most. We love to soak up the culture the area has to offer, including speakers and presentations at Juniata, outdoor concerts, and displays at the Arts Council. This has been the perfect place for us to live, work, and play! Jess (Yutzey) ’00
elementary principal, Juniata Valley School District, and
Todd Quinter ’00
teacher, Huntingdon Area School District

The Whole Package
Huntingdon County is an active outdoor enthusiast’s dream. The ability to step out of your home and hike, bike, camp, boat, canoe, kayak, fish, and hunt are all available. Mark Sather ’81
chairman, Huntingdon County Commissioners
Stating a Love for Parks
In Huntingdon, there is so much opportunity for interconnectedness with the wilderness. Within a half hour, I can explore the Allegrippis Trails, Raystown Lake, Spruce Creek, Rothrock State Park, Hunter’s Rock, Lincoln Caverns, and the Juniata River. Jonathan Reveley-Cohen ’08
college counselor

Some Enchanted Evenings
To me, Huntingdon is a quiet, lovely, and quirky place to call home. I love it for all the textures in the alleys, the endless nearby creeks and woods, and the intimacy that exists between everyone. For someone like me who has traveled, moved, and lived all over, being here makes you feel like you have a place in things, are a part of a community, and therefore can impact it for the better. Plus, who does not love Boxer’s, the demo derby, or hearing the trains echo at night? This place can be enchanting. Sarah Anne Wharton ’06
assistant director, C. Barton McCann School of Art
owner, SAW Photography

It Takes a Village
I feel fortunate that my daughters, Isabella and Sofia, get to experience rural, small-town life here in Huntingdon while also benefiting from the extraordinary resources given to all of us by having a remarkable institution such as Juniata right here in our community. For me, these include Physics Phun Night, chemistry camp, basketball camp, the Early Childhood Education Center, and more! Todd Fortney ’01
clinical informatics pharmacist, J.C. Blair Health Systems, Inc.

Dog’s Best Friend
When I take my dog, Mocha, for walks through town, neighbors stop me to say, “Hi! How’s it going?” and take a genuine interest in my response. Mocha has favorite neighbors that she likes to visit, and she will slow down her walk to wait to see if they are home so she can give them a quick “Hi” in the form of a tail wag. Kristin Twardowski ’16
operations specialist-communication

I Love a Parade
I love Huntingdon because it’s rooted in quirky traditions. There’s a parade for every holiday, and we embrace any excuse to throw a celebration. It’s the kind of place where you celebrate an event called “Mayfest” the last weekend in April. Nicole Houck ’12
assistant executive director, Huntingdon House
Friday Night Lights
My family and I moved to Huntingdon in 1930, when my father opened a shoe repair shop downtown. I’ve always enjoyed the access we have, as citizens of Huntingdon, to local government officials, like the mayor, with whom it was easy to grab a cup of coffee. I also enjoy attending high school football games, where I see people I have known for more than 40 years. William “Whitey” Martin ’59
retired, Director of Career Services