Vince Buonaccorsi, professor of biology, participated in invited workshop seminars, “Introduction to DNA Sequencing,” at Loyola College, Maryland, in August 2019 and July 2020. He was awarded a National Science Foundation Grant for “The Build-A-Genome Network.” With E. Wiley, S. Subramanya, W. Leung, and S. Elgin, Buonaccorsi published “Genomics Education Alliance: Towards Genomics CURE Templates,” in Cultivating Scientific Curiosity, QUBES Educational Resources in 2020. He, along with J.M. Long and A.T. Taylor, participated in a conservation-oriented SNP panel for smallmouth bass with an emphasis on interior highlands lineages for Conservation Genetics Resources.
Jonathan Burns, instructor in international studies, published an article, “The Fort Shirley Site: A Nexus of Archaeology and History on Pennsylvania’s Colonial Frontier,” in Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies.
Daniel Dries, chair and associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, was appointed as a member of the Editorial Board of “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.” He was named as an affiliate faculty member of the Scientists Engaged in Educational Research (SEER) Center at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. Dries was also appointed as a member of the Fellowship Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB). He served as the session co-chair for the Education and Professional Development Session at the Virtual 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB). Dries, along with others, published a meeting report for BioMolViz workshops for developing assessments of biomolecular visual literacy in Sept. 2020. Along with G. Yu, he also published “Breathing New Life Into the Rational Design of Alzheimer’s Therapeutics,” in Jan. 2021. He co-led “Constructing Narratives,” a one-day workshop to discuss works in progress in the life sciences classroom. The workshop featured Jay Hosler, David K Goodman '74 professor of biology and chair of the biology department, as the keynote speaker.
Ryan Gibboney, assistant professor of Integrated Media Arts, served as a co-mentor for undergraduate research in a design and writing presentation to Juniata’s SoTL with Hannah Bellwoar, associate professor of English, in the spring of 2021. She presented “Beyond Mock Design Projects and Standard Rubrics: How a Global Pandemic Required Student Evaluation to Dissipate and Real-World Learning to Happen,” at the 109th annual College Art Association Conference. Gibboney was accepted to present “Expanding the Classroom Into the Community: Facilitating Real-World Partnerships in a Hybrid Classroom,” at the 5th annual RGD (Registered Graphic Designer) Virtual Design Educators Conference in Oct. 2020. She was selected to join the Southern Huntingdon County High School Occupational Advisory Steering Committee for the two-year program.
Doug Glazier, professor of biology, co-authored a research article with Dr. Vojsava Gjoni, a research associate at the University of Salento (Italy), and two Juniata College graduates, Jeffrey Gring ’12 and Jacob Holsopple ’20, which was published in November 2020 in the Journal of Experimental Biology. They studied the interactive effects of temperature, predation risk, and body size on the metabolic rate of a crustacean that is a ‘keystone species in local freshwater springs. The research also received special attention in a feature article titled “Predators affect temperature responses of freshwater shrimp metabolism” published in the same journal.
Cathy Herrera, lecturer in flute, published, “It's Performance Day! Success in the Spotlight," and companion e-zine, "It's Performance Day! Complete Interviews," in February 2021.
Adam Ianno, research associate, received the 2020 award from Agilent Technologies in Recognition of Scientific Innovation in October 2020. This award has given Juniata College the loan of a state-of-the-art research instrument that gives us the ability to accurately measure the chemical composition of nearly anything.
Roy Nagle, Director of Environmental Health and Safety and instructor of environmental science and studies, published “Nest Site Fidelity of Northern Map Turtles, Graptemys geographica,” in Chelonian Conservation and Biology, along with Travis Russell ’13, who serves as local coordinator for the Pennsylvania amphibian and reptile survey. Their study examined nest site fidelity of map turtles along the Juniata River at Mount Union, the largest reported nesting area in the Commonwealth. Results from the study indicate that maintaining long-term nesting habitat and ensuring suitable river quality at Mount Union are essential for the conservation of northern map turtles in central Pennsylvania. With Christopher Grant, assistant professor of biology, Nagle worked with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and US Silica corporation to create turtle nesting habitat at Mount Union. The team is also working with the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the US Army Corps of Engineers to provide nesting habitat and manage turtles and wildlife biodiversity on public lands near Raystown Lake and along the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River.
Jennifer Pencek, director of the Office for the Prevention of Interpersonal Violence, was appointed to directorship in September 2020.
Jacoba Rock, assistant professor of social work, criminal justice, and sociology, joined HEAL-PA, the Pennsylvania governor's trauma-informed systems consultation team.
Li Shen, assistant professor of marketing, completed the certification program of Fashion Industry Essentials at Parsons School of Design.
Belle Tuten, Charles A. Dana Professor of History, published "Care of the Breast in the Late Middle Ages," in Gendered Histories of Health, and Healing, 119-137 (Amsterdam University Press, 2020).
James Tuten, professor of history, with Kathy Westcott, Charles A. Dana Professor of Psychology, and William White of Penn State Altoona, published “Understanding Gains from On-Campus Cultural Events,” in Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship, pp.55-66, Vol 2 (2) in October 2020.
David Widman, professor of psychology, published “The Point of Nipple Erection 2: The Effect of Nipple Erection on Intended and Expected Altruism,” in the journal “Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences” with co-author Rebecca Burch. He published a chapter in the edited book “Psychology and Prehistory: How Cognitive Archaeology informs Human Nature,” edited by Henley and Rosanno titled, “Sexuality and Gender in Prehistory,” with co-authors, M. Fisher, R. Burch, R. Sokol Chang, and, T. J. Wade. Widman also published a chapter in the book, “The Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology,” edited by T. Shackelford titled, “Shifts in Partner Attractiveness: Evolutionary and Social Factors,” with co-authors, R. Burch, M. Fisher, J. Moran, C. Salmon, and, T. J. Wade.